A zombie (Alien StarFish) stole my heart
Ed Wood made films so bad, they were good. Alt-zoom studios had it's 2nd annual Ed Wood machinima festival on October 31, 2006. On Halloween Weekend , Second Life residents had 48 hours to make a movie in the spirit of Ed Wood. The theme/title was A Zombie stole my heart.
We started planning on the movie the Friday night before the announcement of the theme. After the announcement we started to furiously film that night and most off Saturday. On Sunday I edited all the shots together and added sounds, music and voices. The movie won the The Most Disturbing movie award.
On You tube
Direct link to 640*480 wmv movie
Ramapo Welcome Area
For the Suffern Middle School(NY) I created in collaboration with Rhiannon Chatnoir a Futuristic Welcome Area. The goal was to give the kids a exciting place to start out from and to return to.
Suffern Middle School in Second Life Blog
Flickr Photo Set |
Sudo National Parks Service Visitors Centor
Pixel Dolls, Meat-Space, and Everything All at Once is an Art exhibition that was created for the Seattle Bumbershoot Art Festival.
For the exhibition I created together with Rhainnon Chatnoir and Amulius Lioncourt a Ficitional National park named Sudo by design of Real Life artist Susan Robb.
Specifically I scripted a automated Trail HUD, that walks your avatar automatically over a mountain trail while a audio explanation is giving about the Sudo National park.
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Esselle Text Expresso
On June 24th 2005, Cory Doctorow launched his new book Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town, in Second Life.
Residents where asked to create book prototypes. My Entry the Esselle Text Expresso finished a close 2nd only a few votes behind the First place.
Boing Boing
New World Notes
Internet Writing Journal Blog |
Big Easy Rebuilt
Linden Lab donated 2 sims in September 2005 for residents to use to raise funds for Katrina Relief.
I coordinated and designed the build of the city, built many of the Bourbon Street buildings and helped Margaret Mfume with fundraising events.
To date over $2500 US Dollars where raised.
New World Notes
SL Featured
Big Easy pictures at slpics
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Fluid Arch
For the Winter Holiday Celebration i built a Arch of Peace. What's noteable about the Arch is the fluid curve.
Link: Visit inworld |
Zen Garden
Zen Garden created for Laukosargas Svarog Garden Contest. Subtle shadows make the garden stand out.
Awarded 2nd Place.
Link: Visit inworld |
For Burning Life 2005, I built a sculpture of a hand grabbing the word opportunity. This symbolised what I did, the plot of land wasn't assigned to me, but was left unclaimed. Several of these empty plots inspired me to make a statement about grasping the opportunities that we are given. There was a notecard giver that prompted others to follow in this vein and join in by also building upon this reclaimed space. |
SLebrity Auction stage
Part of the Fundraising for Kartrina Relief was a Second Life Celebrity Auction. I created a hightech stage for the event to be held on.
Link: Visit inworld |
Flower Photo Gallery for Global Kids Island
Working collaboratively with Rhiannon Chatnoir, a flower themed build was created as a photo gallery for display on the Global Kids Island within the SL Teen Grid. The photographs, many symbolizing hope, were taken by teens that were part of a Global Kids workshop. Every flower pot had a picture of a teen and each flower blossom held a photo image that told stories about their lives.
Learn more about Global Kids Here